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Carving The Light https://www.createspace.com/3439520 Also available at Amazon.com. Merchandise can be found at: http://www.cafepress.ca/CarvingTheLight

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Few Quick Thoughts On Promotion

I had completely forgotten, for awhile, that I'd created this previews page for Carving The Light over at CreateSpace when the book was first printed.

Though it would be difficult to stumble upon, I had given out the link at lot at first, so that people could get a taste for what they were hopefully buying.

Since then, I've set up an Author Page at Amazon.com (to which this blog is actually linked), and a Facebook fan page, of course, to help keep people updated.  I am trying to get people to interact with the Amazon.com book and author pages...in terms of ratings, discussions, questions, reviews, photos, etc.  I think that increased activity will also increase the traffic.  And, let's face it, I am a bit of a comments whore when it comes to stuff like that.

I've added a tiny note-like review of sorts to Timothy D. Rideout's book page for Cherubs, and I am hoping that some people who have read Carving The Light will do the same.  I also have a preview (Search Inside) feature attached to the book on the Amazon page, so I think that's why I forgot about the CreateSpace one for awhile.

Just over 100 views.  About 70 book copies sold thus far.

It's coming along.  :)

More soon,


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