If you answered YES to any of those vague questions, you need to check out Adopt An Indie Author Month!
The event is now closed to authors submitting their books, because there was a rush of late entries in October, but I was lucky enough to land a spot for my first novel, Carving The Light. You can view my adoption page here. :)
For the complete list of books up for adoption for November, start here, and work your way through the categories that interest you most.
Up for grabs are a whole WHACK of free e-books for you to read and interact with in the manner (or manners) with which you feel most comfortable. And - did I mention that they are FREE?!
All of them have been published independently or via small press channels, and this fabulous idea is another way for us "little folk" to get the word out about our literary babies!
From the website:
November 2011: ‘Adopt an Indie’ month
Many people feel there is still a stigma surrounding self-published/small-press books but how many readers actually mind where the book is coming from?
This experience is about bringing authors, readers and book bloggers together to dispel some of the indie myths and show that if you’re missing indie, you’re missing out.
What will people get?
- Readers will be able to talk to published authors and learn about their experiences
- Authors will be able to find out what really matters to readers and if they really care about the ‘indie/SP/small press’ labels
- Bloggers can share their take – do they see traditional books as higher quality? Does the publisher even matter?
In addition, as part of the ‘Adopt an Indie’ theme, readers will be able to read and review one book from a selection available in order to see first hand the quality that is on offer. In effect, they will ‘adopt’ that indie and be able to ask more detailed questions about their work and get more of an insight into the indie world.
What can I expect?
- Live chat/Q&A sessions
- Readers interviewing authors
- Authors sharing their experiences and advice
- Bloggers sharing their perspective on the changing book market
- Guest posts
- Novel excerpts
- Review copies (ebooks)
Okay, what’s the catch?
There isn’t one! All I ask is that you:
- Spread the word far and wide
- Commit to the month: you’re not expected to be part of every interview, guest post, Q&A etc but I’d love you to follow the ‘Adopt an Indie’ month from start to finish
- Be open-minded: of course I won’t ban people who don’t like indie/self-publishing/small presses – everyone has the right to an opinion! However, do be willing to listen to everyone’s opinions and share the discussion.
- Have fun! Everyone has the same thing in common: they love words!
If you are interested in being a Reader, you can fill out your book requests here.
Bloggers, fill out this form, and you will be contacted soon regarding the part you will be able to play in all of this! Additionally, I'd imagine the links and exposure will only drive even more traffic to your blog, so it couldn't hurt, right?
So head on over and adopt an indie author today! There are baby books up for adoption, all awaiting your notice and attention!
Adopt An Indie Month - November 2011
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